When it comes to website design, there’s a lot thing you need to think. Some of you might think, designing a website is like designing a brochures or designing a t-shirt where when it’s done, it’s done. You need to think about copywriting, search engine optimization (SEO), the web function and how it looks like in different devices.
In short, responsive website design is about how your website will looks like in different devices. For example, you may have a look at Facebook interface. As you can see, the web structure in desktop view is different from your mobile phone, right? Now, you go to tablet, and you can see another different view. This is responsive website design.
You can only achieve different kind of website view by tweaking your CSS code. Every web designer or frontend developer will understand this code. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets with an emphasis placed on “Style.” While HTML is used to structure a web document (defining things like headlines and paragraphs, and allowing you to embed images, video, and other media), CSS comes through and specifies your document’s style—page layouts, colors, and fonts are all determined with CSS. Think of HTML as the foundation (every house has one), and CSS as the aesthetic choices. In other hands, PHP language is the backend code to make the web functions.
In conclusion, if you’re ready to hire a web developer / designer for your website project, you can simply ask them about how familiar they are with this CSS code, so from there, you may know their strength in designing a website.
"In the information age, build a website before you build a workplace."
At ICEINK, we take care your website from emails, databases, web file, design, search engine optimization (SEO), payment gateways integration and many thing related to website design & development.
We are based in Johor Bahru (Malaysia). Got business ideas and want to transform your ideas into website? Contact Us Now and let’s schedule physicals or online meeting (Zoom & Google Meet).